For Children & Teens
Feeding Therapy
Our comprehensive approach to feeding therapy allows you and your child to see all the necessary professionals (speech pathologist, occupational therapist and nutritionist) in the one assessment session saving you time and providing you with the most comprehensive information about your child’s needs.
We will work together to ensure that we learn about your child’s specific needs and create an evidence-based plan to help address underlying issues causing feeding problems.
We can help children who have restricted diets, issues with motor skills for eating, nutritional deficiencies, difficulty maintaining weight, poor chewing skills, fussy eaters and other problem feeders.
After the comprehensive assessment session we will provide a full report and recommendations about therapy needs individualised to your child.

Nurturing Healthy Habits
SOS Feeding Group
SOS is an evidence based feeding program that works with small groups of children to help them expand their food intake. This group will be run by SOS-trained therapists and is suitable for children who have feeding difficulties. This group will be helpful for children who:
Have ongoing poor weight gain (dropping percentiles on the growth curve) or weight loss
Have ongoing choking, gagging, or coughing during meals
Have ongoing problems with vomiting
Avoid all foods in a specific texture (wet, squishy, crunchy, etc.) or nutrition (meat, vegetables, starches, fruits, etc.) group
Have less than 20 foods that they are able to consistently eat