Occupational Therapist
Paula is a registered Occupational Therapist with over 15 years of experience working as a Paediatric Occupational Therapist in Australia and overseas. Paula graduated as an Occupational Therapist in Finland where she worked in the leading Children’s Hospital for 6 years. Since moving to Australia in 2012 she has worked in not-for-profit organisations as a paediatric Occupational Therapist.
Paula has experience supporting children with developmental delays, learning difficulties, Autism Spectrum disorder, physical disabilities and vision impairments. Paula has worked with children and their families across a range of settings including home, clinic, hospital, daycare/preschool and school.
Paula is passionate about working with children and their families using family-centred and strength-based approach. Paula values working together with parents, educators and other important people in the child’s life to help children achieve their goals. Paula has a strong interest in promoting inclusion across all settings.
In her free time Paula enjoys spending time outdoors with her own family.
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Are you looking to join a team of passionate professionals? At Northside Speech Pathology, we are always looking for experienced individuals who share our passion for helping kids reach their full potential. We are currently recruiting therapists in the following areas: Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Group Therapy, Early Intervention and Behavioural Therapy.