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Language Building Through Play

There are so many important skills that children learn through play, one of these is language! Play is a great context to model new words and sentences for your little one to learn. Here are some tips that you could try to maximise language learning while you are playing: Language learning should be fun and…

The Benefits of Bilingualism

Did you know that one in four Australians were born overseas and roughly four million Australians speak a language other than English? Parents often ask about the pros and cons about raising children bilingually, or even multilingually. It can be challenging when the home language is not the same as the societal language (e.g. language…

All About Telehealth

One of the positive experiences to come out of the Covid-19 pandemic, is the increased use of telehealth. Our therapists are able to provide intervention to families who may not be able to attend therapy sessions due to illness, family commitments, isolation or due to their location. As both families and therapists have seen the…

Is My Child a Late Talker?

As parents we wait with eager expectation for our child to say their first words. It’s so exciting to watch them learn and begin to string those first few words together into sentences. But what happens when your child seems to be delayed in this step? Your child may simply be a late talker. I…

Baby Sign Language – is it helpful?

Have you tried baby sign language with your baby? I heard about baby sign language as a speech pathologist, so was very eager to try it out with my little one when he came along. I have been very interested to hear how many people comment on the use of baby sign language and what…

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