

Speech Pathologist

Andrea is a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist, with 12 years of clinical experience. She has worked with children and their families across a range of settings, including home, clinic, daycare/preschool and school.

Andrea is passionate about working with children and families to achieve their goals. She has specific experience in working with children with disabilities and complex communication needs.

Andrea has completed training in PECS, LAMP Words for Life, Key Word Sign, Hanen It Takes Two to Talk, Sensational Mealtimes, Secret Agent Society, and MultiLit. 

Andrea has an strong interest in providing early intervention and supporting  school readiness; as well as encouraging inclusion within the community.

Career Opportunities

Join Us

Are you looking to join a team of passionate professionals? At Northside Speech Pathology, we are always looking for experienced individuals who share our passion for helping kids reach their full potential. We are currently recruiting therapists in the following areas: Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Group Therapy, Early Intervention and Behavioural Therapy.

NSP therapist with kid

Our Team

Meet our incredibly passionate and experienced team of Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists and Early Interventionists.

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Call us on - 0434 527 560

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